Skyland ​Library

Publicity & Calendar

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Check out what we’re reading this week!


Coming Soon Hand Lettering Calligraphy With Brush Stroke


Coming Soon Hand Lettering Calligraphy With Brush Stroke


Coming Soon Hand Lettering Calligraphy With Brush Stroke


Coming Soon Hand Lettering Calligraphy With Brush Stroke


Coming Soon Hand Lettering Calligraphy With Brush Stroke


Coming Soon Hand Lettering Calligraphy With Brush Stroke


Coming Soon Hand Lettering Calligraphy With Brush Stroke

Keep up to date on all things ​Skyland Library! Follow us on X!

Our publicity plan is to promote and ​advocate through social media. During ​the excitement of the school year, we ​take tons of pictures to answer the ​age-old question "what did you do ​today?" This allows for parents to ​know what is going on and get ​involved. However, it also allows our ​Adopt-A-School partners to see what ​they are doing for our students. This ​is not only publicity for our libraries, ​but also for those partners, leading to ​the possibility of partnership and ​donations in the future.


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Collaboration lessons to be ​taught in the classroom are ​available by request. These ​lessons can be taught in ​collaboration, or planned in ​collaboration and taught ​individually.

Please click an option to be ​directed to a Google Form



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  • Chromebook ​Troubleshoot
  • Additional Checkout ​time
  • Collaboration
  • Media production

To schedule one of the listed ​services, please click the link.


  • Media processing takes ​2 school days, deliver all ​materials 2 school days ​prior to needed.
  • Chromebooks will not be ​serviced without ​Chromebook Check-In ​Form.
  • Additional Checkout ​times will need options, ​they will not be schedule ​otherwise.
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Information Ethics Statement & ​Acceptable/Responsible Use Policy


At Skyland, we believe all students should have access to the materials they want. We do our best to provide the most up to date materials ​for our students to meet the needs of their school research and personal inquires. There are filters on our computers to prevent students from ​accessing social media sites and sites that could prove harmful according to the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) like obscenities, ​pornography, etc.


All students have their privacy protected at Skyland, All materials inquired about or check-out remain private unless the librarian sees a ​chance of harm being done to or by the student in which case the librarian will speak to the guidance counselor for help.


Copyright infringement and plagiarism is not tolerated at Skyland. Techniques to avoid these things are taught in the library as well as in the ​language arts classes. If there is any question as to what is “free game,” see the Fair Use and Creative Commons pages that are linked, and ​as always, we encourage students to ask questions when they are unsure if they are breaking copyright laws or plagiarizing.


Parents and students may challenge materials in the school's media center. If a parent or students sees an item as unnecessary or ​inappropriate, they may schedule a meeting with the librarian to handle this situation. If the challenger is not satisfied, the challenge will then ​be handled in accordance with TCS Selection Policy.


Skyland students have access to the Internet, school network, and other electronic resources to meet their school-related needs. Students may ​have access to the Internet ONLY with a teacher’s permission, and ONLY for educational needs. Access to the Internet through school ​resources is a privilege, not a right, and may be revoked for inappropriate or unauthorized use as determined by district authorities.

Unless specifically authorized, the district prohibits the following activities and any others determined to be unacceptable uses of school ​system technology:

  • Allowing another person to use an assigned account.
  • Use of technology for non-school related communications.
  • Use of technology to access obscene or pornographic material.
  • Use of technology to transmit material likely to be offensive or objectionable to recipients.
  • Use of technology to communicate through e-mail for non-educational purposes or activities.
  • Use of technology to participate in inappropriate and/or objectionable discussions or newsgroups.
  • Use of technology to disseminate hate mail, harassment, discriminatory remarks, or other antisocial communication.
  • Use of technology to plagiarize any information whether or not that results in a copyright violation.
  • The illegal installation, distribution, reproduction or use of copyrighted software on district computers.
  • Loading, downloading, or use of unauthorized games, programs, files or other electronic media, including peer-to-peer applications used to ​download songs, movies, or software illegally.
  • Malicious use of computers or the network to develop or distribute programs that harass other users, infiltrate a computer system, and/or ​damage the software or components of a computer system.
  • Use of technology to facilitate any illegal activity.

Violation of the above is subject but not limited to the suspension and/or dismissal of all parties involved. In addition, the district and/or its ​designees reserve the right to pursue civil and/or criminal prosecution as the situation warrants.

Selection Policy

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Selection and challeneges of Library materials in the Skyland Elementary ​Library will be handled in accordance to the TCS Selection Policy.

Personal ​Philosophy

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I am committed to fostering an environment of inclusivity, where every patron feels welcome and ​empowered to explore diverse perspectives, ideas, and information. I recognize that the richness of a ​library lies in its ability to cater to the varied interests, needs, and aspirations of its community ​members.

In my role, I champion intellectual freedom as a fundamental principle, ensuring that the library ​remains a space where individuals can freely seek, receive, and impart knowledge without censorship ​or discrimination. I uphold the belief that materials should never be excluded based on the ​background, origin, or views of their creators.

My mission as a librarian extends beyond mere bookkeeping or cataloging; I aspire to cultivate ​informed, connected, educated, and empowered communities. I see myself as a facilitator of lifelong ​learning, a curator of diverse resources, and a catalyst for intellectual curiosity and growth.

In serving as a librarian, I strive to build bridges across differences, spark dialogue, and promote ​understanding. I am dedicated to fostering a culture of openness, empathy, and respect within the ​library and the broader community it serves.

Ultimately, I view my role not just as a custodian of books and information, but as a steward of ​knowledge and enlightenment, committed to shaping a future where everyone has the opportunity to ​learn, grow, and thrive.


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Library Support Professional

  • Maintains student library ​use records and accounts ​including overdue notices ​and the collection of fines
  • Shelves books and other ​library materials
  • Maintains library ​materials inventory
  • Receives and processes ​new library materials
  • Supervises and trains ​student library aides
  • Supervises students in the ​library

Parent Volunteers

  • Volunteers must be able to ​sign-in through the office ​with official ID
  • They may sign up with ​Mrs. Johnson or any ​school personnel, indicating ​they would like to ​volunteer with the library.
  • Volunteers may not make ​any decisions regarding ​collection development.
  • Please review this ​document for more ​information

Student Volunteers

  • Students must complete ​an interest form and ​interview with Mrs. ​Johnson
  • More than 2 ISI days and ​1 out-of-school suspension ​will disqualify you.
  • Attendance warnings will ​remove you from the ​Volunteer Team
  • Only 3rd-5th grade ​students will be able to ​volunteer.